Barnes Mansion in winter.

Barnes Mansion in winter.

Here’s how you can help support this irreplaceable piece of history:

  1. Become a member.
    Head over to our membership page and join as a regular or Pillar Society member.  All memberships are tax-deductible, and members enjoy discount admission for special events and gift item purchases, plus an annual members-only meeting.  Membership also allows you exclusive access to rent The Mansion for private events, based on availability.
  2. Volunteer.
    We are a volunteer-driven organization and owe our success to dedicated people like you! Choose your own project or help out with ongoing projects and events.
  3. Donate.
    We’re always grateful for your support to help us continue to restore and maintain this beautiful & historic property.
  4. Establish a trust fund.
    All you have to do is name the Barnes Foundation as a recipient. Please contact [email protected] for further information.


Honor a family member, group or loved one or celebrate a special event by having your message displayed on a commemorative brick in the garden gazebo grounds.