The Reverend Samuel May Event

George & Rebecca Barnes Foundation
Presents an entertaining and educational event in recognition of Black History Month
The Reverend Samuel May, Minister, Reformer, and Abolitionist
A Living History Portrayal by Scott Peal, Director of Education
Onondaga Historical Association
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Video Viewing Link 7:00PM,
Zoom Link Questions & Discussion 7:45 PM

For members of the George & Rebecca Barnes Foundation
and special guests

Samuel Joseph May came to Syracuse in 1845 to serve as pastor of the Unitarian Church of the Messiah.  Already active in the anti-slavery movement, May rose to prominence in the Syracuse abolitionist movement.  He opposed the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 and took up collections on behalf of fugitive slaves in the area and participated in the Jerry Rescue.

Scott Peal’s portrayal will focus on the rescue of William “Jerry” Henry, escaped slave who arrested and held in the Syracuse police station until May and others broke him out and helped him travel north.

Reverend May married George and Rebecca Barnes and was a frequent guest in their home.  They were bound by their shared abolitionist sentiment and activism.

Please register by February 23rd at

You will be emailed the links for the video and ZOOM discussion.